dear jesus,
last week i sought you in the early morning - what
is that you said about willingness and weakness
i used to see weakness as a stain similar to
that 'damned spot' -- something i could never
remove no matter how much money i
made or the demons i put to rest.
is the human ever not weak? certainly,
there are moments of greatness
the athlete and her title. the artist and his
ribbon, but in-between there is so much
tripping, falling, doubting, wishing, elation
and then
what is your perspective on death? is it the
culmination of weakness, or a reward for strength
so many run towards that crossroad with
seeds unsown, what is that to you? what should
it mean to me? maybe questions for another
letter, 5:00 a.m. reveals me and leaves me
grateful for weakness? yes that is a question
there seems to be a difference between
weakness and belligerence -- though the latter
could very well be enveloped in the former
we are not saved in defiance, but maybe
we are saved in our weakness
so, why am i grateful for weakness?
why is the calf grateful for milk?
why is the apprentice grateful for the master?
this fog is lifting now. thank you, for the milk.